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Solar panel handbook

Download free solar panel handbook

What will you find in this 25-page handbook?

In a few short, clear chapters we'll explain the basics of solar energy systems. We'll talk about what 'net metering' means, and about the financial motivation when it comes to purchasing a solar system. Armed with this information, you'll be in a better position to evaluate offers, and to ask pertinent questions to companies that sell solar systems.

The intention of the handbook is to give you some tools when deciding whether or not to invest in solar panels, and if you do, which ones to choose.

Of course you can also browse the internet for more information but we have made it easier for you by gathering all relevant information into an 25-page handbook.

Make use of it!

What will you learn:
  • The different types of solar panel
  • The different types of solar inverters
  • You will gain insight into the costs and benefits of solar systems
  • You will learn about the elements of a good installation
  • You will find out more about the rules for net metering in the Netherlands and how to get back your VAT