Earn money by recommending Zonnefabriek to your friends and family
Did you know that a large proportion of our customers came to Zonnefabriek through the recommendations from friends of family? We’re glad to see that so many of our customers are happy with their solar systems. But did you also know that you can actually earn money by bringing in new customers? The way to do it is by using our ‘Mijn Zonnefabriek’ app.The ‘Mijn Zonnefabriek’ app is a simple tool for your smartphone that can help you keep track of your solar system. In the app you can keep an eye on the energy produced by the panels, plus you have easy access to information about your system such as the warranties and FAQs about the meaning of the lights on your inverter or what to do in case the internet communication is disrupted.
The app also has an icon along the bottom called ‘Vrienden’ (Friends). If you click on that icon, you can register a new person by clicking on ‘Vriend aanmelden’ (register a friend). Here you can enter the name, phone number and e-mail address of any acquaintances you might have that could potentially be interested in solar panels for their own house.
If you do register a person, then our system will first check if that person is indeed a new customer, i.e. not someone who was already in our database (e.g. because they found us by themselves). If the person is unknown to us, then a member of our in-house sales team will try to contact them, usually by phone. If that contact eventually leads to a sale, then you will automatically receive €100 from Zonnefabriek, into the bank account that we have on file. On the ‘Vrienden’ page you will see first that €100 has been ‘verdiend’ (earned) and after a while it will say ‘verdiend en uitbetaald’ (earned and paid out to you).
What are the rules for getting the €100 ?
If you want to be able to earn those €100 for each new customer that you bring to Zonnefabriek, please always use the app to register them. If your friend or acquaintance just calls or e-mails us without your having registered that person, it’s impossible for us to verify that they came to us through you. Also, it has to be a new person in our database. If in the past at some point they contacted us before you registered them, then they will already be in our database so we can’t count them as ‘new’.
Where do I find the ‘Mijn Zonnefabriek’ app?
The ‘Mijn Zonnefabriek’ app is not the kind of app you’ll find in the App Store or on Google Play. Instead, it’s what’s known as a ‘Progressive Web Application’ or PWA. That means that it actually works in a browser window that you can pin to the home screen on your smartphone. To do that, open a browser window on your phone and tap in ‘mijn.zonnefabriek.nl' This will bring you to the login screen. You can pin this screen onto your phone by clicking on the icon with the arrow pointing up out of a square on Apple phones, or on the icon with the arrow pointing down inside a circle on Android phones (see the image below). Then you can click on ‘pin to home screen’ on the page that appears next. The icon of the ‘Mijn Zonnefabriek’ app will now appear on your smartphone’s home screen.
What if I forgot my login?
To get into the ‘Mijn Zonnefabriek’ app you’ll need a username and a password. The username consists of your post code followed by your house number. For the Zonnefabriek head office that would be for instance: 1096BD23A. Your password should have been sent to you when you got your system, but if you forgot simply click on ‘wachtwoord vergeten’. You will be asked to fill in your username again and then a new password will automatically be sent to the e-mail address that we have on file.
We hope these instructions are clear! If however you still have questions about the app you can always contact our service department at service@zonnefabriek.nl. Good luck with using the app and we hope to welcome any new customers that you might bring in. Please accept our gratitude and of course those €100!